
Aegirsson Chien finnois de Laponie

Chien finnois de Laponie

Résultats d'expositions

CH. Rahkkasan Biija - 1ère excellent

1ère excellent

CH. Rahkkasan Biija

18/3/2017 - Montluçon RNE

Juge : Gabriela RICHARD

12 1/2 years - very nice type - feminine head and expression - exc construction, coat and tail - exc condition - correct movement in rear, narrow in front - nice and friendly

CH. Aegirsson Daana - Exc 2

Exc 2

CH. Aegirsson Daana

18/3/2017 - Montluçon RNE

Juge : Gabriela RICHARD

8 1/2 years old - exc type and construction - feminine head - dark eyes and pigmentation - exc coat and tail - good movement in rear, narrow in front - nice and friendly

CH. Aegirsson Mac gyver - Très Prometteur, MEILLEUR PUPPY

Très Prometteur, MEILLEUR PUPPY

CH. Aegirsson Mac gyver

18/3/2017 - Montluçon RNE

Juge : Gabriela RICHARD

7 months - very nice type - masculine head and expression - exc construction, coat and tail - nice movement - very friendly

CH. Aegirsson Mary poppins - Exc1, MEILLEURE JEUNE


CH. Aegirsson Mary poppins

18/3/2017 - Montluçon RNE

Juge : Gabriela RICHARD

14 months old - exc type - feminine head with correct eye - exc construction, pigmentation, coat and tail - correct movement in front and rear - nice and friendly

CH. jarfa's Revontuli - Exc 1, CACS, Meilleure femelle (BOS)

Exc 1, CACS, Meilleure femelle (BOS)

CH. jarfa's Revontuli

18/3/2017 - Montluçon RNE

Juge : Gabriela RICHARD

2 1/2 years - exc type - feminine head - dark almond shaped eye - good pigmentation - exc construction, coat and tail - feet should be tighter - good movement, slight narrow in front - nice and friendly

CH. Lecibsin Salto - Exc1, MEILLEUR DE RACE (BOB)


CH. Lecibsin Salto

18/3/2017 - Montluçon RNE

Juge : Gabriela RICHARD

3 years. Exc. general appearance - masculine head - dark eyes & pigmentation - exc construction & proportions - exc coat and tail - good movement in front and rear - nice and friendly.

CH. Ikimuiston Varmast finski dit pippin - Meilleur Vénérable de l'Exposition

Meilleur Vénérable de l'Exposition

CH. Ikimuiston Varmast finski dit pippin

18/3/2017 - Montluçon RNE

Juge : Gabriela RICHARD

12 years old - exc type - masculine head & expression - correct pigmentation - exc condition coat and tail - correct movement - nice and friendly - very young in mind